You can call functions in expressions by entering the function name followed by the parameters enclosed in parenthesis '()'. If there are no parameters to the function you must still include the parenthesis. String parameters must be enclosed in either single or double quotes. Numeric parameters should not be enclosed in quotes. True/False parameters may be entered as true or false without quotes or as 0 or 1 (0=false). Function names are not case sensitive, so, gotolastrecord() is the same as GotoLastRecord().
To call a function in an event on a form, or control, precede the function call with an equal '=' sign. For example, if you want to close the active window when the user clicks a button, enter =CloseActiveWindow() in the On push attribute.
If you want to call more than one function, you can connect the functions with operators like the plus '+' sign. For example, if you want to close the active window and open the 'Customer' form when the user clicks a button, enter =CloseActiveWindow() + Open( 'form', 'Customer' ) in the On push attribute.
The following table lists all the functions in alphabetical order.
Function | What it does... |
abs | Get the absolute value of the given number. If the number is null, a DataNumber with the value null is returned. If the number is blank, 0 is returned. |
addAmazonCommitListener | Add listener that sends outgoing transaction files for selected sites to Amazon as soon as they are committed. |
addDeleteAmazonTransactionsOnResetListener | Add listener that deletes transaction files from the Amazon incoming and outgoing directory when a reset site transaction is committed. |
addJMSCommitListener | Add listener that sends outgoing transaction files for selected sites to a JMS queue as soon as they are committed. |
addJMSReceiveListener | Add listener that receives transaction file messages from a JMS queue and writes them to the incoming directory. |
addJMSReceiveListenerWithRetry | Add listener that receives transaction file messages from a JMS queue and writes them to the incoming directory. |
addProcessReceivedTransactionsListener | Add listener that automatically processes incoming transactions as soon as they are received. |
addRow | Insert a row in a table for a given list of sites that do not already have the row. |
addSystemEventListener | Add the listener in the given class to the list of system event listeners. |
addThisSiteToCentral | Call the central web service to add this remote site to the central database. |
addTransactionsProcessedListener | Add listener that evaluates the given expression whenever transaction processing completes. |
applyEffectiveMasterDataTrans | Queries the audit table for committed transactions on master data tables whose effective date has arrived and calls the appropriate master data change listener for each transaction then changes the status of the transaction to Successful. |
ascii | Converts the first character of a string to an ASCII value |
asciiToChar | Converts an ASCII code to a character |
attachMasterTables | Attach tables from an existing database so it can be edited |
attachRemoteTable | Attach a table from an existing database so it can be edited |
attachTable | Attach tables from an existing database so it can be edited |
callEvaluateExpressionWebMethod | Call the EvaluateExpression web method. |
changePackageStatus | Change status of the transactions for sites in a package to a new status. |
changePassword | Change the current user's password. |
commitTransactions | Commit packages of transactions so they are sent to selected locations |
copyAndRefreshSiteData | Copy data for selected tables from one site to other sites and refresh the tables at the other sites on the effective date. |
copyCompany | Create a new company by copying the configuration of an existing company. |
copySiteData | Copy data for selected tables from one location to another location |
createConfigurationVersionDataSite | Creates a data site to hold version data for configuration version. The ID of the new site will be an unused, negative site number. The name of the site will be the name of the configuration plus a hyphen plus the name of the version. Each table in the configuration type will be added to the list of managed site tables. If there is a previous version of the configuration then the data from the previous version will be copied to the new version. |
createRemoteInstaller | Create an installation program that can be downloaded and used to install EDM at a remote site with pre-configured settings for the current company. |
createTransactionTriggers | Create SQL scripts so triggers on application tables at remote sites can generate EDM transactions. |
date | Get current date. |
dateToNumber | Converts a date to a number |
dateToString | Converts a date to a character string |
dateToTimestamp | Converts a date to a timestamp |
day | Returns the day value of a date |
delete | Deletes an object. |
deleteTable | Deletes a table. |
deleteTableList | Delete a table list. |
deleteTransactionFilesFromAmazon | Delete transaction files (*.xml and *.fil) from the Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3). |
deployMasterChanges | Deploy master data to application tables in the table map. |
enableProfile | Enable profiling. |
evaluateExpressionAtRemoteSites | Send an expression to a list of remote sites which will evaluate the expression on the server. Only server-side functions may be included in the expression. |
executeDirectSQL | Directly execute the given SQL statement on the given data source and return the results in a DataSet. If query is not a select statement, execute the SQL statement and return empty DataSet. Use caution to avoid exceeding available memory. |
exportData | Exports data from a table or query to a text file. |
exportSecurityPolicyToXml | Export users, roles, and other security settings to XML file. |
exportSelectedDataToFile | Export data to a file from a table |
fileExists | Returns true if the given file or directory exists. |
generateFunctionHelp | Generate HTML help file for a list of PluginLoader classes. |
getAppObject | Returns application object with specified type and name or null if not found. |
getConfigProperty | Get configuration property value. |
getConfigPropertyWithDefault | Get configuration property value. |
getIniValue | Returns value for the given key from the given ini file or null if not found. |
getMasterTableConfigurationType | Gets the Configuration Type for the given table with the given name. |
getNextUnusedId | Gets the next unused ID for the given table and column, optionally within a range. |
getPropertyFileValue | Get the value of a property in a property file. |
getRegistryValue | Returns the value from the Windows registry for the given key, value, and substring. |
getReportConfig | Return the ReportConfig stored in the given file. |
getServerTime | Returns the current system time on the server in milliseconds since 1/1/1970 UTC. |
getSessions | Returns a list of the current active sessions on the server. |
getTableAndQueryList | Get a sorted list of tables and queries in this application separated by semicolons. |
getTableList | Get a sorted list of tables in this application separated by semicolons. |
getUnlockedPackageVersions | Get a ValueList of version ids and names that are not referenced by unlocked packages. |
getValueListOfUsersWithRole | Get a value list of users with a given role separated by semicolons. |
getVersion | Return the current version of EDM |
greatest | Returns the greater of two numbers |
iif | Returns one of two values bases on expression |
importData | Imports a text file to a table. |
importFile | Imports a text file to a table. |
importTransactionsFromFile | Import transactions from a CSV file. |
insertTableList | Insert a new table list. |
least | Returns the lesser of two numbers |
left | Returns the leftmost characters of a string |
len | Gets the length of a string |
loadCentralData | Load schema for a central database table |
loadCentralSchema | Load schema for a central database table |
lower | Changes each letter of a string to lower case |
mod | Divides two values and returns the remainder |
month | Returns the month value of a date |
notifyClients | Send a notification to connected clients. |
nullValue | Return a null value which can be used in other functions. If you want to set the value of a form control to null, use setFormValueToNull() or setValueToNull(). |
numberToDate | Converts a number to a date |
numberToInt | Returns the integer part of a number string. |
numberToString | Converts a number to a string |
numberToTime | Converts a number to a time |
numberToTimestamp | Converts a number to a timestamp |
partitionTable | Partition a table and set a new partition expression and reorganize the rows into the correct partitions. |
pow | Raises a number to a power |
processForcedTransactions | Receive and apply pending transactions whose effective date has arrived and whose Force flag is true for all sites. |
processTransactions | Receive and apply pending transactions from selected sites whose effective date has arrived |
publishMasterDataTableList | Publish data from the central database, with open and future transactions rolled back, to .csv files in the given directory. Data is published for each site in share groups using the site’s real ID. |
publishMasterDataTables | Publish data from the central database, with open and future transactions rolled back, to .csv files in the given directory. Data is published for each site in share groups using the site’s real ID. |
publishXCEDataTableList | Publish data from the central database, with open and future transactions rolled back, to .csv files in the given directory. Share groups are included in the published data with the associated data site IDs. |
publishXCEDataTables | Publish data from the central database, with open and future transactions rolled back, to .csv files in the given directory. Share groups are included in the published data with the associated data site IDs. |
purgeAuditTrail | Delete audit trail rows that are older than the given number of days. |
purgePollData | Delete polled table rows that are older than the given number of days. |
queryAvg | Gets the average of the values of a column in a table or query using a where clause. |
queryCount | Gets the count of the values of a column in a table or query using a where clause. |
queryFirst | Gets the first value of a column in a table or query using a where clause. |
queryLast | Gets the last value of a column in a table or query using a where clause. |
queryMax | Gets the maximum value of a column in a table or query using a where clause. |
queryMin | Gets the minimum value of a column in a table or query using a where clause. |
querySum | Gets the sum of the values of a column in a table or query using a where clause. |
random | Returns a random number between 0 and the passed number |
receiveSiteFilesViaWeb | Receive transaction files over HTTP connection. |
receiveTransactionFilesFromAmazon | Receive transaction files from Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3). |
receiveTransactionFilesFromJMS | Receive files from the configured JMS queue into the local incoming folder. |
reloadCachedData | Reload all data cached in server memory on the server and re-initialize system. |
removeAmazonCommitListener | Reomve listener that sends outgoing transaction files for selected sites to Amazon as soon as they are committed. |
removeTransactionsProcessedListener | Remove listener that evaluates the given expression whenever transaction processing completes. |
replaceAll | Replaces each substring of this string that matches the given regular expression with the given replacement. |
requestFile | Copy a file to other locations |
requestTableListRefresh | Send request to location to send table data to replace existing data |
requestTableRefresh | Send request to location to send table data to replace existing data |
resetSites | Send transactions to reset remote sites to their newly installed state and commit the transactions. |
restoreTestCheckpoint | Disconnect all database connections, restore checkpoint 1, and re-initialize server. |
right | Returns the rightmost characters of a string |
round | Rounds a number at the specified number of digits past the decimal |
runApp | Execute the given command line. For example, to open the config.xml file in notepad execute the command c:\windows\system32\notepad.exe c:\edmweb\config.xml , and the wait flag to false . To run a batch file you could execute the command cmd /c c:\edmweb\go.bat and the wait flag to false . |
runJUnitTest | Run the JUnit tests in the given class. |
runReport | Run a report. |
runSQL | Executes an insert, update, delete, or maketable SQL statement. |
sendDeleteFileTransaction | Send transaction to delete a file. |
sendEvaluateTransaction | Send a transaction to cause the receiver to evaluate an expression. |
sendExecuteTransaction | Send transaction to execute an operation system command at selected sites. |
sendFile | Send a file to other locations |
sendRemoteFiles | Send files listed in remote files table to sites. |
sendSiteFilesViaWeb | Send transaction files over HTTP connection. |
sendSynchronizeDirectoryTransaction | Send a transaction to synchronize a local directory with a directory at other sites. |
sendTableListRefresh | Send table data to locations to replace existing data |
sendTableRefresh | Send table data to locations to replace existing data |
sendTransactionFilesToAmazon | Send transaction files to Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3). |
sendTransactionFilesToJMS | Send outgoing files for the given sites to a JMS queue. |
sendTransactionFilesToJMSWithRetry | Send outgoing files for the given sites to a JMS queue. If the transfer fails due to a JMS error, the listener will retry after 15 seconds, 30 seconds, then 1 minute, 2 minutes, 4 minutes, 8 minutes, then every 15 minutes until the transfer works. |
setConfigProperty | Set configuration property value. |
setLastReceivedTranFileNumberToIncoming | Set the last received transaction file number for a site to the lowest transaction file number in the incoming directory - 1. |
setPropertyFileValue | Set the value of a property in a property file. |
space | Creates a string of blanks |
stringToDate | Converts a date string to a date value |
stringToInt | Converts a string to an integer. |
stringToNumber | Converts a string to a number |
stringToTime | Converts a time string to a time value |
stringToTimestamp | Converts a timestamp string to a timestamp value |
substring | Returns characters from the middle of a string |
synchronizeSitePropertyValues | Imort and sync the site property values from an outside data source |
time | Gets current time of day |
timestamp | Get current date and time. |
timestampToDate | Converts a timestamp to a date |
timestampToNumber | Converts a timestamp to a number |
timestampToString | Converts a timestamp to a character string |
timestampToTime | Converts a timestamp to a time |
timeToNumber | Converts a time to a number |
timeToString | Converts a time to a character string |
timeToTimestamp | Converts a time to a timestamp |
transferSiteFilesViaFTP | Transfer transaction files over FTP connection. |
transferSiteFilesViaRAS | Transfer transaction files over network connection. |
transferSiteFilesViaWeb | Transfer transaction files over HTTP connection. |
trim | Trims the blanks from both ends of a string |
trimLeft | Trims the blanks from the left end of a string |
trimRight | Trims the blanks from the right end of a string |
updateAmazonDirToMatchLocalDir | Update an Amazon S3 directory to match a local directory. |
updateLocalDirToMatchAmazonDir | Update a local directory to match a directory on Amazon S3. |
updateLocalDirToMatchWebDir | Update a local directory to match a directory on the EDM web server. |
updateTableList | Update a table list. |
updateTransferSettings | Save the given transfer host, user ID, password, and company name used to connect to a central EDM server |
updateWebDirToMatchLocalDir | Update an directory on the EDM web server to match a local directory. |
upper | Changes each letter of a string to upper case |
validateTableList | Validate references between tables |
validateTables | Validate references between tables |
year | Returns the year value of a date |
Function | What it does... |
ascii | Converts the first character of a string to an ASCII value |
asciiToChar | Converts an ASCII code to a character |
getVersion | Return the current version of EDM |
left | Returns the leftmost characters of a string |
len | Gets the length of a string |
lower | Changes each letter of a string to lower case |
replaceAll | Replaces each substring of this string that matches the given regular expression with the given replacement. |
right | Returns the rightmost characters of a string |
space | Creates a string of blanks |
substring | Returns characters from the middle of a string |
trim | Trims the blanks from both ends of a string |
trimLeft | Trims the blanks from the left end of a string |
trimRight | Trims the blanks from the right end of a string |
upper | Changes each letter of a string to upper case |
Function | What it does... |
abs | Get the absolute value of the given number. If the number is null, a DataNumber with the value null is returned. If the number is blank, 0 is returned. |
greatest | Returns the greater of two numbers |
least | Returns the lesser of two numbers |
mod | Divides two values and returns the remainder |
pow | Raises a number to a power |
random | Returns a random number between 0 and the passed number |
round | Rounds a number at the specified number of digits past the decimal |
Function | What it does... |
date | Get current date. |
day | Returns the day value of a date |
month | Returns the month value of a date |
time | Gets current time of day |
timestamp | Get current date and time. |
year | Returns the year value of a date |
Function | What it does... |
dateToNumber | Converts a date to a number |
dateToString | Converts a date to a character string |
dateToTimestamp | Converts a date to a timestamp |
numberToDate | Converts a number to a date |
numberToInt | Returns the integer part of a number string. |
numberToString | Converts a number to a string |
numberToTime | Converts a number to a time |
numberToTimestamp | Converts a number to a timestamp |
stringToDate | Converts a date string to a date value |
stringToInt | Converts a string to an integer. |
stringToNumber | Converts a string to a number |
stringToTime | Converts a time string to a time value |
stringToTimestamp | Converts a timestamp string to a timestamp value |
timestampToDate | Converts a timestamp to a date |
timestampToNumber | Converts a timestamp to a number |
timestampToString | Converts a timestamp to a character string |
timestampToTime | Converts a timestamp to a time |
timeToNumber | Converts a time to a number |
timeToString | Converts a time to a character string |
timeToTimestamp | Converts a time to a timestamp |
Function | What it does... |
delete | Deletes an object. |
deleteTable | Deletes a table. |
getAppObject | Returns application object with specified type and name or null if not found. |
Function | What it does... |
Function | What it does... |
Function | What it does... |
queryAvg | Gets the average of the values of a column in a table or query using a where clause. |
queryCount | Gets the count of the values of a column in a table or query using a where clause. |
queryFirst | Gets the first value of a column in a table or query using a where clause. |
queryLast | Gets the last value of a column in a table or query using a where clause. |
queryMax | Gets the maximum value of a column in a table or query using a where clause. |
queryMin | Gets the minimum value of a column in a table or query using a where clause. |
querySum | Gets the sum of the values of a column in a table or query using a where clause. |
Function | What it does... |
addRow | Insert a row in a table for a given list of sites that do not already have the row. |
addSystemEventListener | Add the listener in the given class to the list of system event listeners. |
addThisSiteToCentral | Call the central web service to add this remote site to the central database. |
attachMasterTables | Attach tables from an existing database so it can be edited |
attachTable | Attach tables from an existing database so it can be edited |
callEvaluateExpressionWebMethod | Call the EvaluateExpression web method. |
createTransactionTriggers | Create SQL scripts so triggers on application tables at remote sites can generate EDM transactions. |
deleteTableList | Delete a table list. |
enableProfile | Enable profiling. |
evaluateExpressionAtRemoteSites | Send an expression to a list of remote sites which will evaluate the expression on the server. Only server-side functions may be included in the expression. |
executeDirectSQL | Directly execute the given SQL statement on the given data source and return the results in a DataSet. If query is not a select statement, execute the SQL statement and return empty DataSet. Use caution to avoid exceeding available memory. |
exportData | Exports data from a table or query to a text file. |
exportSecurityPolicyToXml | Export users, roles, and other security settings to XML file. |
getIniValue | Returns value for the given key from the given ini file or null if not found. |
getRegistryValue | Returns the value from the Windows registry for the given key, value, and substring. |
getReportConfig | Return the ReportConfig stored in the given file. |
getServerTime | Returns the current system time on the server in milliseconds since 1/1/1970 UTC. |
getSessions | Returns a list of the current active sessions on the server. |
getTableAndQueryList | Get a sorted list of tables and queries in this application separated by semicolons. |
getTableList | Get a sorted list of tables in this application separated by semicolons. |
iif | Returns one of two values bases on expression |
importData | Imports a text file to a table. |
importFile | Imports a text file to a table. |
importTransactionsFromFile | Import transactions from a CSV file. |
insertTableList | Insert a new table list. |
partitionTable | Partition a table and set a new partition expression and reorganize the rows into the correct partitions. |
runApp | Execute the given command line. For example, to open the config.xml file in notepad execute the command c:\windows\system32\notepad.exe c:\edmweb\config.xml , and the wait flag to false . To run a batch file you could execute the command cmd /c c:\edmweb\go.bat and the wait flag to false . |
runJUnitTest | Run the JUnit tests in the given class. |
runReport | Run a report. |
runSQL | Executes an insert, update, delete, or maketable SQL statement. |
updateTableList | Update a table list. |
Function | What it does... |
addAmazonCommitListener | Add listener that sends outgoing transaction files for selected sites to Amazon as soon as they are committed. |
addDeleteAmazonTransactionsOnResetListener | Add listener that deletes transaction files from the Amazon incoming and outgoing directory when a reset site transaction is committed. |
addJMSCommitListener | Add listener that sends outgoing transaction files for selected sites to a JMS queue as soon as they are committed. |
addJMSReceiveListener | Add listener that receives transaction file messages from a JMS queue and writes them to the incoming directory. |
addJMSReceiveListenerWithRetry | Add listener that receives transaction file messages from a JMS queue and writes them to the incoming directory. |
addProcessReceivedTransactionsListener | Add listener that automatically processes incoming transactions as soon as they are received. |
addTransactionsProcessedListener | Add listener that evaluates the given expression whenever transaction processing completes. |
attachRemoteTable | Attach a table from an existing database so it can be edited |
changePackageStatus | Change status of the transactions for sites in a package to a new status. |
changePassword | Change the current user's password. |
commitTransactions | Commit packages of transactions so they are sent to selected locations |
copyAndRefreshSiteData | Copy data for selected tables from one site to other sites and refresh the tables at the other sites on the effective date. |
copyCompany | Create a new company by copying the configuration of an existing company. |
copySiteData | Copy data for selected tables from one location to another location |
createRemoteInstaller | Create an installation program that can be downloaded and used to install EDM at a remote site with pre-configured settings for the current company. |
deleteTransactionFilesFromAmazon | Delete transaction files (*.xml and *.fil) from the Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3). |
exportSelectedDataToFile | Export data to a file from a table |
fileExists | Returns true if the given file or directory exists. |
generateFunctionHelp | Generate HTML help file for a list of PluginLoader classes. |
getConfigProperty | Get configuration property value. |
getConfigPropertyWithDefault | Get configuration property value. |
getNextUnusedId | Gets the next unused ID for the given table and column, optionally within a range. |
getPropertyFileValue | Get the value of a property in a property file. |
getValueListOfUsersWithRole | Get a value list of users with a given role separated by semicolons. |
loadCentralData | Load schema for a central database table |
loadCentralSchema | Load schema for a central database table |
notifyClients | Send a notification to connected clients. |
nullValue | Return a null value which can be used in other functions. If you want to set the value of a form control to null, use setFormValueToNull() or setValueToNull(). |
processForcedTransactions | Receive and apply pending transactions whose effective date has arrived and whose Force flag is true for all sites. |
processTransactions | Receive and apply pending transactions from selected sites whose effective date has arrived |
purgeAuditTrail | Delete audit trail rows that are older than the given number of days. |
purgePollData | Delete polled table rows that are older than the given number of days. |
receiveSiteFilesViaWeb | Receive transaction files over HTTP connection. |
receiveTransactionFilesFromAmazon | Receive transaction files from Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3). |
receiveTransactionFilesFromJMS | Receive files from the configured JMS queue into the local incoming folder. |
reloadCachedData | Reload all data cached in server memory on the server and re-initialize system. |
removeAmazonCommitListener | Reomve listener that sends outgoing transaction files for selected sites to Amazon as soon as they are committed. |
removeTransactionsProcessedListener | Remove listener that evaluates the given expression whenever transaction processing completes. |
requestFile | Copy a file to other locations |
requestTableListRefresh | Send request to location to send table data to replace existing data |
requestTableRefresh | Send request to location to send table data to replace existing data |
resetSites | Send transactions to reset remote sites to their newly installed state and commit the transactions. |
restoreTestCheckpoint | Disconnect all database connections, restore checkpoint 1, and re-initialize server. |
sendDeleteFileTransaction | Send transaction to delete a file. |
sendEvaluateTransaction | Send a transaction to cause the receiver to evaluate an expression. |
sendExecuteTransaction | Send transaction to execute an operation system command at selected sites. |
sendFile | Send a file to other locations |
sendRemoteFiles | Send files listed in remote files table to sites. |
sendSiteFilesViaWeb | Send transaction files over HTTP connection. |
sendSynchronizeDirectoryTransaction | Send a transaction to synchronize a local directory with a directory at other sites. |
sendTableListRefresh | Send table data to locations to replace existing data |
sendTableRefresh | Send table data to locations to replace existing data |
sendTransactionFilesToAmazon | Send transaction files to Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3). |
sendTransactionFilesToJMS | Send outgoing files for the given sites to a JMS queue. |
sendTransactionFilesToJMSWithRetry | Send outgoing files for the given sites to a JMS queue. If the transfer fails due to a JMS error, the listener will retry after 15 seconds, 30 seconds, then 1 minute, 2 minutes, 4 minutes, 8 minutes, then every 15 minutes until the transfer works. |
setConfigProperty | Set configuration property value. |
setLastReceivedTranFileNumberToIncoming | Set the last received transaction file number for a site to the lowest transaction file number in the incoming directory - 1. |
setPropertyFileValue | Set the value of a property in a property file. |
synchronizeSitePropertyValues | Imort and sync the site property values from an outside data source |
transferSiteFilesViaFTP | Transfer transaction files over FTP connection. |
transferSiteFilesViaRAS | Transfer transaction files over network connection. |
transferSiteFilesViaWeb | Transfer transaction files over HTTP connection. |
updateAmazonDirToMatchLocalDir | Update an Amazon S3 directory to match a local directory. |
updateLocalDirToMatchAmazonDir | Update a local directory to match a directory on Amazon S3. |
updateLocalDirToMatchWebDir | Update a local directory to match a directory on the EDM web server. |
updateTransferSettings | Save the given transfer host, user ID, password, and company name used to connect to a central EDM server |
updateWebDirToMatchLocalDir | Update an directory on the EDM web server to match a local directory. |
validateTableList | Validate references between tables |
validateTables | Validate references between tables |
Function | What it does... |
applyEffectiveMasterDataTrans | Queries the audit table for committed transactions on master data tables whose effective date has arrived and calls the appropriate master data change listener for each transaction then changes the status of the transaction to Successful. |
createConfigurationVersionDataSite | Creates a data site to hold version data for configuration version. The ID of the new site will be an unused, negative site number. The name of the site will be the name of the configuration plus a hyphen plus the name of the version. Each table in the configuration type will be added to the list of managed site tables. If there is a previous version of the configuration then the data from the previous version will be copied to the new version. |
deployMasterChanges | Deploy master data to application tables in the table map. |
getMasterTableConfigurationType | Gets the Configuration Type for the given table with the given name. |
getUnlockedPackageVersions | Get a ValueList of version ids and names that are not referenced by unlocked packages. |
publishMasterDataTableList | Publish data from the central database, with open and future transactions rolled back, to .csv files in the given directory. Data is published for each site in share groups using the site’s real ID. |
publishMasterDataTables | Publish data from the central database, with open and future transactions rolled back, to .csv files in the given directory. Data is published for each site in share groups using the site’s real ID. |
publishXCEDataTableList | Publish data from the central database, with open and future transactions rolled back, to .csv files in the given directory. Share groups are included in the published data with the associated data site IDs. |
publishXCEDataTables | Publish data from the central database, with open and future transactions rolled back, to .csv files in the given directory. Share groups are included in the published data with the associated data site IDs. |
Get the absolute value of the given number. If the number is null, a DataNumber with the value null is returned. If the number is blank, 0 is returned.
Add listener that sends outgoing transaction files for selected sites to Amazon as soon as they are committed.
Add listener that deletes transaction files from the Amazon incoming and outgoing directory when a reset site transaction is committed.
Add listener that sends outgoing transaction files for selected sites to a JMS queue as soon as they are committed.
Add listener that receives transaction file messages from a JMS queue and writes them to the incoming directory.
Add listener that receives transaction file messages from a JMS queue and writes them to the incoming directory.
Add listener that automatically processes incoming transactions as soon as they are received.
Insert a row in a table for a given list of sites that do not already have the row.
For example, when entering a product, this function can be called in the AfterInsert event to add a row to the product type table. For example, to add rows to the TNG_dbo_ProductTypes table after the user inserts a row in the TNG_dbo_Products table, set the afterInsert property of the Product form to: "=addRow( 'TNG_dbo_ProductTypes', getNamedControlValues( 'id,name,description' ), getSelectedSites() )"Add the listener in the given class to the list of system event listeners.
Call the central web service to add this remote site to the central database.
If the site does not exist in the central database it will be added. If it is the first site in the company, a table list will be requested. If the site data has not been loaded then a table refresh will be requested.Add listener that evaluates the given expression whenever transaction processing completes.
Queries the audit table for committed transactions on master data tables whose effective date has arrived and calls the appropriate master data change listener for each transaction then changes the status of the transaction to Successful.
Converts the first character of a string to an ASCII value
Converts an ASCII code to a character
Attach tables from an existing database so it can be edited
Attaches master tables by creating a central table with the CDMLOCID column added to the table and all indexes. Adds a remote table record for the central site with a version of '1'. Adds a remote table record for every remote site with a version of null so transactions are not generated to the site. Adds a remote data source version for the central site of '1'. Adds a remote data source version for every remote site of '0'. Adds the tables to a table list called 'Attached Master Tables'. Adds a data source version 0 to the convert file and a version 1 which adds all the tables to the convert file.Attach a table from an existing database so it can be edited
Attach tables from an existing database so it can be edited
Call the EvaluateExpression web method.
Change status of the transactions for sites in a package to a new status.
Change the current user's password.
Commit packages of transactions so they are sent to selected locations
Copy data for selected tables from one site to other sites and refresh the tables at the other sites on the effective date.
Create a new company by copying the configuration of an existing company.
A unique company ID is calculated by removing all characters from the company name except letters, digits, and underscores and adding digits if needed to make the name unique.
The configuration files for the company are copied from the sub-directory of the classes directory with the same name as the template company ID.
The company database is named EDMHQ_ + companyId.
NOTE: The system data source in the config file template must not contain a connect string because it contains the database name which is not replaced.
The company's security information (users, roles, etc) will be loaded from the policy file in the default company files directory.
There must be a role called 'Company Administrator' in the policy.xml file.
Copy data for selected tables from one location to another location
Creates a data site to hold version data for configuration version. The ID of the new site will be an unused, negative site number. The name of the site will be the name of the configuration plus a hyphen plus the name of the version. Each table in the configuration type will be added to the list of managed site tables. If there is a previous version of the configuration then the data from the previous version will be copied to the new version.
Create an installation program that can be downloaded and used to install EDM at a remote site with pre-configured settings for the current company.
The function copies CompileInfo.txt from webapps/edm/company/[companyId]/RemoteInstaller to webapps/edm/WEB-INF/RemoteInstaller then executes webapps/edm/WEB-INF/RemoteInstaller/build.bat.The CompileInfo.txt file in each company directory contains company-specific information needed to create the remote installation program.
See the Xpient wiki page "Automated Setup of New Remote Sites" in the "EDM Documentation" section for more information.
Create SQL scripts so triggers on application tables at remote sites can generate EDM transactions.
Creates a SQL script called EDM_Transaction_Functions.sql that creates functions in the EDM database that can be called by triggers in the remote application database to generate transactions. Also creates a script called App_Transaction_Triggers.sql to create triggers on the tables in the given table list that generate transactions in the EDM audit table on insert, update, and delete. Currently this function only supports SQL Server databases.Get current date.
Converts a date to a number
Converts a date to a character string
Converts a date to a timestamp
Returns the day value of a date
Deletes an object.
Deletes a table.
Delete a table list.
Delete transaction files (*.xml and *.fil) from the Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3).
All files with names of the form prefix/siteid/*.xml and prefix/siteid/*.fil will be deleted from S3. For example, if the S3 bucket contains incoming/1/5.xml and outgoing/1/5.xml and the prefix is'outgoing' then the outgoing/1/5.xml file will be deleted. The system will add '/' to the end prefix if it is not there and will convert any '\' characters in the prefix to '/' so AWS management console sees path segments as folders. The system will also convert the prefix to all lower case to make it case-insensitive.Deploy master data to application tables in the table map.
Enable profiling.
Send an expression to a list of remote sites which will evaluate the expression on the server. Only server-side functions may be included in the expression.
Directly execute the given SQL statement on the given data source and return the results in a DataSet. If query is not a select statement, execute the SQL statement and return empty DataSet. Use caution to avoid exceeding available memory.
Exports data from a table or query to a text file.
Export users, roles, and other security settings to XML file.
Export data to a file from a table
Returns true if the given file or directory exists.
Generate HTML help file for a list of PluginLoader classes.
Returns application object with specified type and name or null if not found.
Get configuration property value.
Get value of the property in the configuration file with the given case-sensitive name or null if not found.Get configuration property value.
Get value of the property in the configuration file with the given case-sensitive name or the given default value if not found.Returns value for the given key from the given ini file or null if not found.
Gets the Configuration Type for the given table with the given name.
Gets the next unused ID for the given table and column, optionally within a range.
Get the value of a property in a property file.
Returns the value from the Windows registry for the given key, value, and substring.
Return the ReportConfig stored in the given file.
Returns the current system time on the server in milliseconds since 1/1/1970 UTC.
Returns a list of the current active sessions on the server.
Get a sorted list of tables and queries in this application separated by semicolons.
Get a sorted list of tables in this application separated by semicolons.
Get a ValueList of version ids and names that are not referenced by unlocked packages.
Get a value list of users with a given role separated by semicolons.
Return the current version of EDM
Returns the greater of two numbers
Returns one of two values bases on expression
Imports a text file to a table.
Imports a text file to a table.
Import transactions from a CSV file.
Insert a new table list.
Returns the lesser of two numbers
Returns the leftmost characters of a string
Gets the length of a string
Load schema for a central database table
Load schema for a central database table
Changes each letter of a string to lower case
Divides two values and returns the remainder
Returns the month value of a date
Send a notification to connected clients.
Return a null value which can be used in other functions. If you want to set the value of a form control to null, use setFormValueToNull() or setValueToNull().
Converts a number to a date
Returns the integer part of a number string.
Converts a number to a string
Converts a number to a time
Converts a number to a timestamp
Partition a table and set a new partition expression and reorganize the rows into the correct partitions.
The audit table can now be partitioned across multiple database servers which process queries in parallel for much faster performance. Transaction records are divided among the partitions based on a partitioning expression. Queries on the audit table are sent to each partition server for parallel processing and the results are merged by EDM so that the partitioning is transparent to EDM users.The primary partition will continue to reside in the EDM central database, additional partitions can be stored on other servers.
To partition the audit table into three parts take the following steps:
After partitioning the audit table, if you have regular backups of your system database, you should include the new partition databases in your backup schedule.
Raises a number to a power
Receive and apply pending transactions whose effective date has arrived and whose Force flag is true for all sites.
Receive and apply pending transactions from selected sites whose effective date has arrived
Publish data from the central database, with open and future transactions rolled back, to .csv files in the given directory. Data is published for each site in share groups using the site’s real ID.
Publish data from the central database, with open and future transactions rolled back, to .csv files in the given directory. Data is published for each site in share groups using the site’s real ID.
Publish data from the central database, with open and future transactions rolled back, to .csv files in the given directory. Share groups are included in the published data with the associated data site IDs.
Publish data from the central database, with open and future transactions rolled back, to .csv files in the given directory. Share groups are included in the published data with the associated data site IDs.
Delete audit trail rows that are older than the given number of days.
Delete polled table rows that are older than the given number of days.
Gets the average of the values of a column in a table or query using a where clause.
Gets the count of the values of a column in a table or query using a where clause.
Gets the first value of a column in a table or query using a where clause.
Gets the last value of a column in a table or query using a where clause.
Gets the maximum value of a column in a table or query using a where clause.
Gets the minimum value of a column in a table or query using a where clause.
Gets the sum of the values of a column in a table or query using a where clause.
Returns a random number between 0 and the passed number
Receive transaction files over HTTP connection.
Receive transaction files from Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3).
Receive files from the configured JMS queue into the local incoming folder.
Reload all data cached in server memory on the server and re-initialize system.
Reomve listener that sends outgoing transaction files for selected sites to Amazon as soon as they are committed.
Remove listener that evaluates the given expression whenever transaction processing completes.
Replaces each substring of this string that matches the given regular expression with the given replacement.
Note that backslashes (\) and dollar signs ($) in the replacement string may cause the results to be different than if it were being treated as a literal replacement string.Copy a file to other locations
Send request to location to send table data to replace existing data
Send request to location to send table data to replace existing data
Send transactions to reset remote sites to their newly installed state and commit the transactions.
Disconnect all database connections, restore checkpoint 1, and re-initialize server.
Returns the rightmost characters of a string
Rounds a number at the specified number of digits past the decimal
Execute the given command line. For example, to open the config.xml file in notepad execute the command c:\windows\system32\notepad.exe c:\edmweb\config.xml
, and the wait flag to false
. To run a batch file you could execute the command cmd /c c:\edmweb\go.bat
and the wait flag to false
Run the JUnit tests in the given class.
Run a report.
Executes an insert, update, delete, or maketable SQL statement.
Send transaction to delete a file.
Send a transaction to cause the receiver to evaluate an expression.
Send transaction to execute an operation system command at selected sites.
Send a file to other locations
Send files listed in remote files table to sites.
Send transaction files over HTTP connection.
Send a transaction to synchronize a local directory with a directory at other sites.
Send table data to locations to replace existing data
Send table data to locations to replace existing data
Send transaction files to Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3).
Send outgoing files for the given sites to a JMS queue.
Send outgoing files for the given sites to a JMS queue. If the transfer fails due to a JMS error, the listener will retry after 15 seconds, 30 seconds, then 1 minute, 2 minutes, 4 minutes, 8 minutes, then every 15 minutes until the transfer works.
Set configuration property value.
Set value of the property in the configuration file with the given case-sensitive name.Set the last received transaction file number for a site to the lowest transaction file number in the incoming directory - 1.
Set the value of a property in a property file.
Creates a string of blanks
Converts a date string to a date value
Converts a string to an integer.
Converts a string to a number
Converts a time string to a time value
Converts a timestamp string to a timestamp value
Returns characters from the middle of a string
Imort and sync the site property values from an outside data source
Gets current time of day
Get current date and time.
Converts a timestamp to a date
Converts a timestamp to a number
Converts a timestamp to a character string
Converts a timestamp to a time
Converts a time to a number
Converts a time to a character string
Converts a time to a timestamp
Transfer transaction files over FTP connection.
Transfer transaction files over network connection.
Transfer transaction files over HTTP connection.
Trims the blanks from both ends of a string
Trims the blanks from the left end of a string
Trims the blanks from the right end of a string
Update an Amazon S3 directory to match a local directory.
Update a local directory to match a directory on Amazon S3.
Update a local directory to match a directory on the EDM web server.
Update a table list.
Save the given transfer host, user ID, password, and company name used to connect to a central EDM server
The updateTransferSettings function updates the transfer host, user ID, password, and company name on the central site record. This information is used when connecting to the central system to transfer transaction files. To have the information automatically saved when the system starts up, the function can be called in the onStartupProperty of config.xml as shown in the following example.
onStartup = "updateTransferSettings( 'localhost:8080/edm', 'remote', 'remote', 'HQ' )"
Update an directory on the EDM web server to match a local directory.
Changes each letter of a string to upper case
Validate references between tables
Validate references between tables
Returns the year value of a date