Supported Databases

The system supports the following databases:

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 using JDBC Driver

The system can create, read and write Microsoft SQL Server 2005 databases with full Unicode support including multi-byte Asian languages.

To set up SQL Server 2005 take the following steps:

To configure the system to use SQL Server 2005, take the following steps:

Installing the latest JDBC driver from Microsoft

Using Integrated Security

The JDBC driver for SQL Server 2005 and later enables the user to use integrated security so that the user id and password for the database do not have to appear in the config.xml file.

Users who want to use integrated security can add a "connect" attribute to the "systemDataSource" and "dataSource" elements like this:

                name = "EdmWeb"
                version = "1"
                type = "SQLSERVER_JDBC"
                server = "localhost"
                database = "EdmWeb"
                connect = "jdbc:sqlserver://localhost;databaseName=EdmWeb;integratedSecurity=true" />

In addition to specifying "integratedSecurity=true" in the connection string, to use Windows security instead of a user name and password from config.xml, the following files must be in the correct folders:

Microsoft SQL Server 2000 using JDBC Driver

The system can create, read and write Microsoft SQL Server 2000 databases with full Unicode support including multi-byte Asian languages. To configure the system, take the following steps:

Installing the latest JDBC driver from Microsoft

MSDE using JDBC Driver

The system can create, read and write MSDE databases with full Unicode support including multi-byte Asian languages. To configure the system, take the following steps:

Installing the latest JDBC driver from Microsoft

Microsoft SQL Server using ODBC driver

The system can create, read and write Microsoft SQL Server databases. To configure the system, take the following steps:

Microsoft Access 97

The system can create, read and write Microsoft Access 97 databases. To configure the system, take the following steps:

Microsoft Access 2000

The system can create, read and write Microsoft Access 2000 databases. To support the Access 2000 database format, take the following steps:


The system can create, read and write PostgreSQL databases. To use PostgreSQL, set the type property in the systemDataSource and/or dataSource sections in the config.xml file to POSTGRESQL_JDBC.

Connection strings may also be used of the form:



Enterprise Data Manager supports the Oracle database for use as the central database. The user must create the database before installing Enterprise Data Manager.

Setting Up the Central Database

To use Oracle as the central database, take the following steps:

  1. Create an Oracle database (usually named EdmWebHQ).

  2. Create a user on the new database with DBA privileges.

  3. Copy the contents of the installation CD to a temp directory on the hard drive.

  4. Use Notepad to edit data\config\config_central_app_version.xml in the temp directory and change the systemDataSource section so that it looks like the following:

    name = “EdmWebHQ”
    type = “ORACLE”
    database = “databasename
    server = “servername
    user = “username
    password = “password

    then close and save the file.

  5. Run the setup_central_app_version.bat file in the temp installation directory to start the installation.

Assigning Central Database Users

If desired, you can create another role for normal users to select, insert, update, and delete records in the database by taking the following steps:

  1. Log into the EdmWebHQ database using the dba user id and password.

  2. Create a role called RMUSER.

  3. Grant privileges to RMUSER for each table in the database.

To grant priveleges on the system tables you could use the following:

grant select, insert, update, delete on CDMAUDIT to rmuser;
grant select, insert, update, delete on CDMLOCATION to rmuser;
grant select, insert, update, delete on CDMLOCATIONGROUP to rmuser;
grant select, insert, update, delete on CDMREMOTETABLES to rmuser;
grant select, insert, update, delete on CDMREMOTEFILES to rmuser;
grant select, insert, update, delete on CDMVALUE to rmuser;
grant select, insert, update, delete on CDMPACKAGE to rmuser;

For application tables, you would also grant priveleges as follows:

To grant priveleges on other application tables, use a grant statement like the following:

grant select, insert, update, delete on tablename to rmuser;

To use Oracle as the central database using the Oracle JDBC connection, take the following steps:

  1. Create an Oracle database (usually named 'EdmWebHQ').

  2. Create a user on the new database with DBA privileges. (This may be the same name of 'EdmWebHQ'.)

  3. Copy the contents of the installation CD to a temp directory on the hard drive.

  4. Use Notepad to edit data\config\config_central_app_version.xml in the temp directory and change the systemDataSource section so that it looks like the following:

    name = “EdmWebHQ”
    version = “1”
    type = “ORACLE_JDBC”
    database = “databasename/tablespace name
    server = “servername
    user = “username
    password = “password
    sid = “SID -- such as "orcl"
    port = “port of the database instance -- such as "1521"

    then close and save the file.

  5. Run the setup_central_app_version.bat file in the temp installation directory to start the installation.

Assigning Central Database Users

If desired, you can create another role for normal users to select, insert, update, and delete records in the database by taking the following steps:

  1. Log into the EdmWebHQ database using the dba user id and password.

  2. Create a role called RMUSER.

  3. Grant privileges to RMUSER for each table in the database.

To grant priveleges on the system tables you could use the following:

grant select, insert, update, delete on CDMAUDIT to rmuser;
grant select, insert, update, delete on CDMLOCATION to rmuser;
grant select, insert, update, delete on CDMLOCATIONGROUP to rmuser;
grant select, insert, update, delete on CDMREMOTETABLES to rmuser;
grant select, insert, update, delete on CDMREMOTEFILES to rmuser;
grant select, insert, update, delete on CDMVALUE to rmuser;
grant select, insert, update, delete on CDMPACKAGE to rmuser;

For application tables, you would also grant priveleges as follows:

To grant priveleges on other application tables, use a grant statement like the following:

grant select, insert, update, delete on tablename to rmuser;

dBASE IV using the Microsoft ODBC driver

The system can create, read and write dBASE IV (.dbf) files using the Microsoft ODBC driver. To configure the system, take the following steps:

dBASE IV using the DataDirect ODBC driver

The system can create, read and write dBASE IV (.dbf) files using the DataDirect ODBC driver. To configure the system, take the following steps: